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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Apply to COW

Part 2 of the application process. 


Questions? email

All parts must be completed to attend COW


Participation Agreement

(Approx. 5 min. to complete) 

Requires Parent/Guardian signature


Waiver & Release


(Approx. 15 min. to complete)

Requires Parent/Guardian signature


Medical History and Physical Examination

(Approx. 20 min. to complete Med. History.)  

Can be completed by Parent/Guardian. High School Shot records can be used.

Physical Exam Form should be printed and completed by your physician.  Dr. signature. is required.

Email the completed forms to: 




The applicant must prepare an essay of 2 pages describing in detail the most frightening experience he has ever had. Be detailed in explaining what happened, why it was so impactful to you, how you responded to the incident, what you learned from the incident, and what would you do if that incident happened again.

Save the essay as a Word or .pdf file and upload it as directed herein. If you are not able to upload the essay at this time, you should email it to:


Letters of Recommendation

Identify two (2) people to provide a letter of recommendation. Please give these questions serious thought. You want to be portrayed in the best possible light.

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